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INI File | 2005-05-10 | 12.4 KB | 273 lines |
- /*
- NOTE: AS OF MilkDrop v1.04, the functionality of the 'burn' variable
- has changed. See below.
- -sprites range from 00-99
- -'img=' line is mandatory. File types currently supported (as of v1.04):
- -valid filenames are:
- relative: img=billy.jpg (to winamp\plugins dir)
- img=..\billy.jpg
- img=images\billy.jpg
- absolute: img=c:\blah\billy.jpg
- NOT ok: img=c:billy.jpg -must specify path
- NOT ok: img=\billy.jpg -must specify drive
- -textures can be as large as 2048x2048 and do not have to be square.
- -texture dims in memory will be next power of 2 higher for w, h.
- ex: 500x60 texture will be stored in memory as a 512x64 texture.
- -big textures can take up a lot of video memory and seriously
- drop the frame rate; recommend sprites be no larger than 512x512.
- 256x256 is even more preferable.
- -if there isn't enough video memory for the texture, it will downsample
- the texture (to as low as 16x16 pixels) trying to fit it into video
- memory.
- -IMPORTANT: to terminate a sprite from within its own code, set the
- 'done' variable to a nonzero value (such as 1). For example,
- "done=above(frame,500);" would make the sprite auto-self-terminate
- after 500 frames. To make this framerate-independent, based it on
- 'time' or 'frame/fps' (they are equivalent).
- -there is currently a maximum of 16 sprites that can be on the screen
- at one time.
- -the sprite manager supports instancing, so if you load two sprites
- that access the same image on disk, only one texture will exist
- in video memory.
- -the sprite manager frees textures immediately when all the sprites
- using that texture (all instances) expire or finish.
- -all of the mathematical functions available for milkdrop's per-frame
- and per-pixel equations are available here for doing funky things
- with the sprites; see milkdrop_preset_authoring.html for a complete
- list of all the functions available.
- -you can define your own variables in the init_ code just by setting
- them to some value (like in the per-frame or per-pixel code of a
- milkdrop preset). You can then access this value later in the
- per-frame (regular) sprite code. If you change its value, the
- change will be remembered from frame to frame. Also, if you
- change the value of a built-in (read/write) variable, this change
- will also be remembered from frame to frame.
- -------------------
- time
- the amount of time that has elapsed since the sprite
- was launched (in seconds).
- frame
- the # of frames that have elapsed since the sprite
- was launched.
- fps
- the current fps (frames-per-second) the MilkDrop is running at.
- progress
- the progress (0=start .. 1=end) through the current MilkDrop preset.
- bass, mid, treb
- the relative amount of each audio band being heard this frame.
- 1 is normal; a number less than one (say, 0.5 .. 1) means
- the band is quiet; and a number greater than one (say, 1..2)
- means the band is loud.
- bass_att, mid_att, treb_att
- the same, but attenuated to be relative to the average band levels
- over a longer period of time (i.e. more heavily attenuated/damped).
- --------------------
- x,y
- the x and y position of the sprite's center on the screen.
- x is 0 at the left, 1 at the right; y is 0 at the top, 1 at the bottom.
- r,g,b
- the red, green, and blue color brightness of the sprite. 0..1.
- a
- the opacity (alpha) of the sprite. 0=transparent, 1=opaque.
- note that the effect of this variable depends on the blendmode
- (see below), and that sometimes, due to the blendmode, the value
- of 'a' has no effect.
- sx, sy
- the size (stretching) of the sprite, in the X and Y directions.
- if these are both 1, then the image will be scaled up just large
- enough so that no part of it goes off the screen. If these are
- both 0.5, the image will be half that size; 2, and it's doubled.
- If sx and sy are not equal, the image will be stretched
- appropriately.
- rot
- the angle of rotation, in radians, of the sprite. The unit circle
- goes from 0 to PI*2 (6.28) radians. At zero radians there is no
- rotation; PI/2 is like a 90-degree counter-clockwise rotation;
- PI, 180 degrees; PI*3/2, 270 degrees; and PI*2 radians (the same
- as zero radians): 0 degrees.
- blendmode
- determines the manner in which the sprite image is blended onto
- the screen.
- 0=blend: the image is multiplied by (r,g,b) and then blended,
- where 'a' decides the amount to blend.
- 1=decal: the image is multiplied by (r*a,g*a,b*a) and then pasted
- onto the background, with no transparency. 'a' values
- below 1 will modulate the color of the sprite, making
- it darker.
- 2=additive: the image is multipled by (r*a,g*a,b*a) and then added
- onto the background, making it brighter. Again, 'a' values
- below 1 will make the sprite darker.
- 3=srccolor: the amount to blend each pixel with the background
- is equal to the inverse of the pixel's color. White texels
- in the sprite will be fully drawn, while black texels will
- be transparent; in-between texels will be blended partially
- based on their brightness. Requires hardware support.
- The alpha value ('a') has no effect when this blendmode
- is set; the alpha value is taken from the R,G,B color in
- the image at evert point.
- 4=colorkey:
- pixels that match the color specified in the colorkey are
- drawn transparently, and all other pixels are drawn opaquely,
- much like a television bluescreen. When using this blendmode,
- a line like the following is required to be present in the
- sprite:
- colorkey=0x000000
- where the value is some 24-bit hexadecimal color. The first
- two digits are 00 through FF hexadecimal (0-255 decimal)
- and are the red value; the third and fourth digits are the
- green value; and the last two digits are the blue value.
- So, 0x000000 makes black the see-through color; 0xFFFFFF
- makes white pixels transparent; 0x0000FF makes blue pixels
- transparent; and so on.
- When the blendmode is not 4, the colorkey setting will have
- no effect.
- When blendmode is 4, the alpha value ('a') still works, too;
- it simply modulates the overall opacity of the sprite.
- NOTE that this effect does not work on all video cards, and
- also tends to hiccup when running in 16-bit color. Try it
- in 32-bit color for best chances for it to work.
- NOTE that prior to MilkDrop v1.04, this feature worked
- slightly differently; there was a range of color key values
- (and you specified 'colorkey_lo' and 'colorkey_hi')
- instead of just one single colorkey value ('colorkey').
- My apologies for any confusion this change might cause.
- flipx
- if nonzero, the sprite will be flipped horizontally.
- flipy
- if nonzero, the sprite will be flipped vertically.
- repeatx
- the number of times to repeat the texture over the surface of the
- sprite, in the x direction. A value of 1 is the default; a value of
- 2 will cause the texture to tile twice in the x direction; and so on.
- **NOTE that if the width or height of the source image is not a
- power of two (16,32,64,128,256,512,1024,2048) then repeating the
- image could cause strange bands to appear (on some poorly-written
- display drivers or older video cards). If using repeating, pre-
- stretch the source image to be a power of 2 to alleviate this
- problem.**
- repeaty
- like repeatx, but in the y-direction.
- done
- set this to some nonzero value to make the sprite self-terminate.
- frees up resources associated with the sprite.
- burn
- if set to a nonzero value, then the sprite will burn into MilkDrop's
- background and become part of the animation. If set to zero, there
- will be no burn-in. You can set this to 1 for a long time to make
- cool trails of the sprite, or you can set it to 1 just on the last frame
- (at the same time that you set 'done' to 1), to make the sprite burn into
- the background and die off, much like song titles and custom messages do.
- ( NOTE: prior to v1.04, 'burn' only worked on the last frame, when done
- was set to 1. With v1.04 and later, 'burn' works on any frame. )
- /end of critical info
- */
- [img00]
- // testing color keying... not working well on GF2MX!
- img=c:\z\nova.jpg
- colorkey=0x000000
- init_1=blendmode = 4;
- code_1=rot = time*0.27;
- code_2=new_scale = 0.75 + 0.1*sin(time*0.6);
- code_3=sx = new_scale;
- code_4=sy = new_scale;
- code_5=r=0.5+sin(time*0.9);
- code_6=a=0.5+sin(time*1.3);
- [img01]
- // this tests the 'done' function, and burns into the screen @ the end
- img=Milkdrop\monkey.jpg
- init_1=blendmode = 2;
- init_2=sx = 0.2;
- init_3=sy = 0.2;
- code_1=time_to_reset = 80;
- code_2=done=above(frame,100);
- code_3=burn=done; // burn into screen @ end
- code_4=a = (130-frame)/130;
- [img02]
- // this burns into the screen *every frame*
- img=c:\z\osapien.jpg
- init_1=blendmode = 3;
- init_2=x = 1;
- init_3=orig_y = 0.5;
- code_1=time_to_reset = below(x,-0.5);
- code_2=x = x*(1-time_to_reset) + time_to_reset*(1.5 + 0.01*rand(100) + 1);
- code_3=orig_y = orig_y*(1-time_to_reset) + time_to_reset*(0.3 + 0.4*0.01*rand(100));
- code_4=sx = sx*(1-time_to_reset) + time_to_reset*(0.25 + 0.4*0.01*rand(100));
- code_5=sy = sx;
- code_6=x = x - 0.008 + 0.0033*sin(time*1.371);
- code_7=y = orig_y + 0.12*sin(time*1.9);
- code_8=done=above(frame,80);
- code_9=burn=1; // burn into screen every frame
- [img03]
- // for testing: show a large (nova2) or large+skinny (nova3) texture
- img=c:\z\nova3.jpg
- init_1=blendmode = 2;
- code_1=rot = time*0.27;
- code_2=new_scale = 1.0 + 0.1*sin(time*0.6);
- code_3=sx = new_scale;
- code_4=sy = new_scale;
- code_5=new_alpha = min(0.9,max(0.2, 2*max(bass-.05,bass_att)-1.1 ));
- code_6=a = a*0.83 + 0.17*new_alpha;
- [img04]
- desc="cool: an 'osapien' drifts across the screen every so often."
- img=c:\z\osapien.jpg
- init_1=blendmode = 3;
- init_2=x = -100;
- init_3=orig_y = 0.5;
- code_1=time_to_reset = below(x,-0.5);
- code_2=x = x*(1-time_to_reset) + time_to_reset*(1.5 + 0.01*rand(100) + 3);
- code_3=orig_y = orig_y*(1-time_to_reset) + time_to_reset*(0.3 + 0.4*0.01*rand(100));
- code_4=sx = sx*(1-time_to_reset) + time_to_reset*(0.25 + 0.4*0.01*rand(100));
- code_5=sy = sx;
- code_6=x = x - 0.008 + 0.0033*sin(time*1.371);
- code_7=y = orig_y + 0.12*sin(time*1.9);
- [img10]
- img=c:\z\nova.jpg
- init_1=blendmode = 2;
- code_1=rot = time*0.27;
- code_2=new_scale = 2.0 + 0.2*sin(time*0.6);
- code_3=sx = new_scale;
- code_4=sy = new_scale;
- code_5=new_alpha = min(0.9,max(0.2, 2*max(bass-.05,bass_att)-1.1 ));
- code_6=a = a*0.83 + 0.17*new_alpha;
- [img11]
- img=c:\z\baily2.jpg
- init_1=blendmode = 2;
- code_1=rot = -time*0.2;
- code_2=new_scale = 2.0 + 0.2*sin(time*0.6);
- code_3=sx = new_scale;
- code_4=sy = new_scale;
- code_5=new_alpha = .4*min(0.9,max(0.2, 2*max(treb-.05,treb_att)-1.1 ));
- code_6=a = a*0.83 + 0.17*new_alpha;